Jumat, 15 Mei 2009

My goal for 2009

1.Read all the books that i have bought,mind map and super memory them,constantly review,sq3r
-NLP 1 n 2
-Secret of building million dollar bussiness
-How to make money from website
-Option trading books,Academic writting skills,How to make mindmap
-bloggers paycheck
-The speed reading book
-embracing change
participating 100%,and lastly visualisation
-the power of now
-chicken soup for the soul 6th edition
-Champ 101
2.Make a new website for my blog,and write an article that i was passionate about

3.learn 1000 new vocab

4.Memorized 1000 number in one hour,is it important or not ?

5.Make my first new manga in November 2009

6.Apply to be a volunteer coach in AKLTG

7.Have a confidence to do a good deeds

8.Stop making excuses,complaining,and blaming other people for the result i get,i take charge of my life

9.Practice integrity habit(do what u say and say what you do)

10.Humble my self,remember sam walton,dia kl ketemu satu cent di jln aj dia pasti ambil ,krn dia menghargai uang,never allow my pride that will prevent me from doing selling

11.Apply the conversion rate strategy

12.Appreciate sales people

13.magic statement "so what?",omong kosong

14.Apply the secret of happiness in my life,that what makes me keep smiling,daily agenda,gratitude journal,priority plan before sleep

15.Scholar ship for BINTER,acc n finance

16.Keep tracking my daily expenses.

17.review POE,n sosmm

18.typing 50 wpm

19.Do what i love,learn how to sell ,marketting n manage finances are the basic skill in our life to make real money..

Laugh at my goal,keep reminding me of what i want,that what really put my self on the line.
I think all of us have to have a goal in every different area in our life,because that what gives us a direction in our life..i still have the nest 5 years goal ,10 years,n fifteen years GOAL..yeah..i'll give my best shot man..but i wont post it now,maybe later..i'll put some photoes to make my goal alive n so real,coz we cant differentiate the different between reality image and imaginery one.

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